Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes
I joined Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes for the remaining 3 shows of their sold out “ The End Of Suffering Tour”. Tasked to capture some very specific video content for their up coming album release campaign.
For the live “Crowbar” edit, the band performed this twice each night giving me 6 passes of the song to edit between, as for the audio this was captured in Edinburgh as they opened the set.
After each set I would immediately import the days footage and put the days recap edit together, for clips like these I generally limit myself to 2 hours of screen time before I call it and its done, there is nothing worse than staring the next day with old footage to deal with..
Now, I was not tasked to take any photos as they had a photographer on the run however id have kicked myself if I had not taken any stills over the 3 days.
The same damp and crumpled set listed i used across the 3 nights. As i was tasked with capturing some very specific content it was important not to miss certain key moments.
For example the stared songs required single full performance shots, one of which was then used for visuals for the single Anxiety. This edit was not done by self.